The World-leading Security Geek Contest

Our Vision:

Our Mission:

Our Value:

Secure Tech, Secure Life

Realize potential of security researchers
Raise security level of technology
Promote security consciousness of people

Justice, Passion, Persistence, Hope

Contest for security geeks to show potential and passion

Started by KEEN team in 2014
6 sessions held in Beijing, Shanghai, Macau, Hong Kong and Silicon Valley
Responsibly disclosed hundreds of critical security vulnerabilities to related manufactures
Awarded contestants bonus over 1 million USD

Main sponsor


2014 —— 2017 GeekPwn Highlights Review

Oct. 24th, 2014, Beijing, the 1st GeekPwn Contest

Tesla car remotely controlled by Keen Team, the organizer of GeekPwn.
Different devices PWNed including Google Nest, mobile phones, routers, smart watches, smart cameras, smart outlets…

May 12th, 2016, Macau GeekPwn 2016 Mid-Year Contest

Kevin Mitnick attack again?
A new TCP hijack presented by Cao Yue.

Oct 24th, 2015, Shanghai, the 2nd GeekPwn Contest

More than 40 mainstream software & hardware devices PWNed, including cameras, routers, smart phones.

Oct 24th, 2016, Shanghai & Silicon Valley, GeekPwn

Two new contest forms to break the security limit of digital world and physical world AI Security: "Adversarial examples in the physical world".

May 12th, 2017, Hong Kong, GeekPwn 2017 Mid-Year Contest

Critical vulnerabilities reported which impacting 250K network devices world-wide.
Security impact of new sharing economy – Shared Bicycle.

Oct. 24th, 2014, Beijing, the 1st GeekPwn Contest

Tesla car remotely controlled by Keen Team, the organizer of GeekPwn.
Different devices PWNed including Google Nest, mobile phones, routers, smart watches, smart cameras, smart outlets…

Oct 24th, 2015, Shanghai, the 2nd GeekPwn Contest

More than 40 mainstream software & hardware devices PWNed, including cameras, routers, smart phones.

May 12th, 2016, Macau GeekPwn 2016 Mid-Year Contest

Kevin Mitnick attack again?
A new TCP hijack presented by Cao Yue.

Oct 24th, 2016, Shanghai & Silicon Valley, GeekPwn

Two new contest forms to break the security limit of digital world and physical world AI Security: "Adversarial examples in the physical world".

May 12th, 2017, Hong Kong, GeekPwn 2017 Mid-Year Contest

Critical vulnerabilities were reported which impacting 250K network devices world-wide.
Security impact of new sharing economy – Shared Bicycle.

Media Reporting

BBC, GNTV and other main stream media reported, PS4 crack on GeekPwn hotly discussed on Twitter.
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About Organization

KEEN is a world famous security research team in China. As the 1st Pwn2Own champion team in Asia and 5 Pwn2Own winners in 3 years, Keen has discovered and reported hundreds of critical vulnerabilities for Microsoft, Apple, and Google etc.

KEEN is currently focusing on the security research of smart life and artificial intelligence.

Upcoming Events

Oct 24th, 2017, Shanghai    /    Nov 13th, 2017, Silicon Valley    /    May 12th, 2018, Silicon Valley


Oct 24th, 2017, Shanghai
Nov 13th, 2017, Silicon Valley
May 12th, 2018, Silicon Valley


For more GeekPwn hightlights, please visit GeekPwn Hall of Fame.